If you like Everything 6

Then you came to the right fucking place


what we do

We count to 6...over and over again

Our Motto:Habemus gratiam habendam esse senarium conscientiae nostrae. Senarius longior fuit circa mundi. Materia vel ante lucem et sex. Sex magnae initium et finis. Ex sex nati sumus, et revertentur ad sex statim desinit esse luce viventium.

How many licks?

You guessed it...fucking 6 licks

Pure happiness

Look at how happy this fucker is! He has counted to 6 so many times.

Don't Be sAD

Learn to count to 6 in as little as 6 months.


WE teach you how to count to 6 you helpless bastard as well as the numbers that come before 6, such as pleven

The number 6

6 is the smallest positive integer which is neither a square number nor a prime number. Six is the second smallest composite number; its proper divisors are 1, 2 and 3. Since six equals the sum of its proper divisors, six is the smallest perfect number, Granville number, and perfect number. As a perfect number:6 is related to the Mersenne prime 3, since 21(22 − 1) = 6. (The next perfect number is 28.)6 is the only even perfect number that is not the sum of successive odd cubes. As a perfect number, 6 is the root of the 6-aliquot tree, and is itself the aliquot sum of only one number; the square number, 25. Six is the only number that is both the sum and the product of three consecutive positive numbers. Unrelated to 6 being a perfect number, a Golomb ruler of length 6 is a "perfect ruler." Six is a congruent number.Six is the first discrete biprime (2 × 3) and the first member of the (2 × q) discrete biprime family.Six is the smallest natural number that can be written as the sum of two positive rational cubes which are not integers.

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Why is it so great?

Whats the most beautiful number? I would make a case for 6. It holds beauty and meaning mathematically, geometrically, biologically, and even spiritually.
It is the first perfect number, meaning that it is the sum of all its divisors (1 + 2 + 3).It is the only number that is both the sum and product of the same three consecutive positive integers (1 + 2 + 3 = 1 * 2 * 3). A 6-sided polygon is a hexagon, which appears in nature in a number of  beautiful forms, including snowflakes and honeycombs. It's also one of few shapes that can be infinitely tiled on a flat plane.6 is the atomic number of carbon, the biological basis of almost all known life on this planet.6 is the 2-dimensional "kissing number." This means that it is the highest number of unit circles that can be arranged to touch another unit circle. 6 is significant in Jewish and Christian mythology in a number of ways: the universe was created in six days, the star of David has six points, and the number six repeated three times (666) is a mystical number often associated with the devil.

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Still have questions about the number 6?

Well fuck bud, figure you're shit out, its not that hard to understand
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